Only One Thing - Devotional
Psalm 46:10-11, Phil 3:8-10
Silence is a rare commodity in our household these days. With two toddlers, busy schedules, jobs, and a list of other things I’ve already forgotten to put on my to do list— sometimes it’s honestly hard to even get a breath in. Maybe you can relate.
Another thing I’ve noticed recently that might even be worse — There are moments I fear the breath. I avoid the silence. I prefer the constant noise. I’ve grown so accustomed to being “busy” that even when I’m not, I just busy my soul with the nearest or next distraction. I scroll social media, I constantly check the news, I move on to the next project on the house, the next meal. And before I know it, the day, the week, the month is gone. And I haven’t been still.
But when you look at the life of Christ, it was full of moments of stillness. Full of moments where Jesus retreated to get alone with the Father. He went off to pray seemingly all the time. It wasn’t efficient, by the world’s standards, but it was clearly effective. It was necessary. Even moments before Jesus was arrested, leading to his crucifixion, what did he do? He went away to pray. How much more then do you and we need to do the same?
In Exodus 14, Moses and the Israelites are being pursued by Pharaoh and the Egyptian army. They’re pinned up against the Red Sea, seemingly hopeless. And Moses’ response in verse 14 — “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” And moments later, the sea parted and they miraculously crossed on dry land to safety.
Psalm 46, amidst warfare and calamity, verse 10 says to “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Time and time again in Scripture, and exemplified through the life of Christ, the battle isn’t won by the strength of our sword, but the stillness of our souls. By the posture of our hearts fully surrendered to Jesus. By prayer and submission to the Lord.
So no matter the battle you’re facing today — make your sole desire to be surrender to Jesus. To truly know him. Let the Holy Spirit speak through the silence in ways that mere words cannot. Be still and know that he is God. That he may be exalted among the nations, the earth, and in your heart. And remember, thanks to the finish work of the Cross, the battle is already won.
In the quiet I will wait
As the chaos fades away
Holy Spirit I have come to meet you here
What a mercy just to be
In the silence where you speak
In your presence every worry disappears
There’s only one thing that I want
There’s only one thing that I want
I want to know you
I want to know you more and more
There’s only one thing that I want
There’s only one thing that I want
I want to know you
I want to know you more and more
Be my solace in the storm
My peace when I am worn
Be my anchor when the waves crash over me
You’re my everlasting hope
There’s no place I’d rather go
You’re my ever present help in time of need
I will be still and know that you are God
Merciful and mighty, exalted over all
I will be still and know that you are God
Merciful and mighty, exalted over all
You’re merciful and mighty, exalted over all
© 2022 RELWOF (SESAC) / Erik Nieder Music (BMI) / So Essential Tunes (SESAC) / Songs For 55th Street (admin at All rights reserved. Used by permission.